Monday, April 30, 2007

Aaahhh!! What happened to my pretty little world?

[hint] is a dandy site for bursting people's bubbles.. IVF, neuroethics, neurotheology, abortion, addiction, politics and power, they've got it all!

Sunday, April 29, 2007


So I fight to get my paper written, and I think I noticed why.

It's said that men are able to compartmentalize their lives and emotions, whereas women, due to differing hormones that affect brain development, are prone to having "one big pile" of everything that is going on. Surely both genders feel both at various times, but that being the larger theme.

So I start my day in one type of mindset (functional): waking, moving, shaving, showering, eating. And I move to another mindset once those operations are off the check-list, usually the question of, "Ok, what's going on today? my soul and in my life?" And I startup the conversation with God. But that is a change of mindset. And there's some inertia there, inside my own brain. Then I have to start my day, go to class, start working on work or schoolwork. If it's reading or listening, that's not terribly hard, but still, I do feel a change must occur in my head. I understand my brain to be set in a certain direction, and that I need to say, "stop. turn over here." but the 'turn over here' doesn't work unless I keep telling myself that for awhile until it's now rolling on that new track. And when it comes to paper-writing, if I'm already started, it's easier to get myself back on that track.

update: apparently there's more truth to this than i knew..

Friday, April 27, 2007

Supposed to.. but aren't..

I'm supposed to be writing a book review for a class. I know what I wanna say; I've got my outline. But dangit, I have to elaborate. And I *clearly* don't have a problem doing this, it's just that everything in me is saying, "go write about something else." Capitalism. Developmental Psychology, blog, wiki, ANYTHING just not what I HAVE to.

Same thing with speeches. I have no problem blabbing in front of people.. UNTIL it's going to be graded. Then my paranoia of saying, "umm" every 3 seconds comes out and I lose it all.

But I've got a new writing style.. hopefully sufficient for my uber-analytic mind and artsy-fartsy heart.
1) I get my outline going with what I wanna say (main points kidna stuff)
2) I come up with all sorts of artsy/poetic phrases that communicate the details
3) I sew them all together in true analytic fashion..
4) ..forming a poetic and structured piece of literature.

Previously, I'd just blab and would fall in love with certain phrases and sentences and have to rip them apart for either more orderly content or just more content. It was a sad occasion. Many tears shed upon many keyboards with sobs of "Why?! Why must I strike my beautiful words with the dagger of formal writing!" Or something like that.


Not happy that I can't import from wordpress.. but at least it POSTS! (I have issues with NOT saving thanks to time-outs and broken-AJAX. C'mon boys, fix it already!)
And this way i can blog from my phone and nokia n800(they made software for that!)